====== 科尔多瓦的庭院嘉年华 ====== For twelve days at the beginning of May, the city of Cordova celebrates the Fiesta of the Patios. The patio houses are communal, family or multi-family dwellings or sets of individual houses with a shared patio, located in the city’s historical quarter. This characteristic cultural space boasts an abundant array of plants, and during the fiesta inhabitants freely welcome all visitors to admire their beauty and the skill involved in their creation. The patios also host traditional singing, flamenco guitar playing and dancing. Ancestral practices of sustainable communal coexistence are shared with people who visit through expressions of affection and shared food and drink. The fiesta is perceived as an integral part of this city’s cultural heritage, imbuing it with a strong sense of identity and continuity. It requires the selfless cooperation of many people from all age groups, social strata and backgrounds, promoting and encouraging teamwork and contributing to local harmony and conviviality. It is guided by secular traditions, knowledge and skills, which take form in the luxuriant, floral, chromatic, acoustic, aromatic and compositional creativity of each patio – an expression of the symbolism and traditions of Cordovan community, and especially the residents who dwell in these patio houses. {{tag>非物质文化遗产}} ^{{:非遗:欧洲和北美洲:西班牙:科尔多瓦的庭院嘉年华:20180912-132513.png}}^^ ^国别|{{:images:flag:flag_of_spain.svg?30|}} 西班牙 Spain| ^中文名称|[[https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/fiesta-of-the-patios-in-cordova-00846|科尔多瓦的庭院嘉年华]]| ^英文名称|[[https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/fiesta-of-the-patios-in-cordova-00846|Fiesta of the patios in Cordova]]| ^登录年份|2012| ===== 遗产详细介绍 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== {{:非遗:欧洲和北美洲:西班牙:科尔多瓦的庭院嘉年华:20180912-132521.png}}{{:非遗:欧洲和北美洲:西班牙:科尔多瓦的庭院嘉年华:20180912-132524.png}} ===== 遗产邮票 ===== 发行国家/地区:西班牙 Spain |[{{:民俗:欧洲:西班牙:es201401.jpg|左侧邮票:科尔多瓦的庭院嘉年华}}]| ^2014 西班牙 人类非物质文化遗产 (1MS全)^