====== 索科特拉群岛 ====== Socotra Archipelago, in the northwest Indian Ocean near the Gulf of Aden, is 250 km long and comprises four islands and two rocky islets which appear as a prolongation of the Horn of Africa. The site is of universal importance because of its biodiversity with rich and distinct flora and fauna: 37% of Socotra’s 825 plant species, 90% of its reptile species and 95% of its land snail species do not occur anywhere else in the world. The site also supports globally significant populations of land and sea birds (192 bird species, 44 of which breed on the islands while 85 are regular migrants), including a number of threatened species. The marine life of Socotra is also very diverse, with 253 species of reef-building corals, 730 species of coastal fish and 300 species of crab, lobster and shrimp.{{tag>自然遗产}} {{wst>遗产概要|images={{:阿拉伯国家:也门:索科特拉群岛:20180613-002656.png}}|country=Yemen|code=ye|cname=也门 Yemen|id=1263|cn=索科特拉群岛|en= Socotra Archipelago|type=自然遗产|year=2008|criteria= (x)}} ===== 遗产分布 ===== ^ID^Name & Location^State Party^Coordinates^Area^Date Inscribed| |1263-000|Buffer zone - elements 001/010\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen| |Property: 0 Ha\\ Buffer zone: 932322 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-001|Socotra A\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 30 0.00 E53 49 60.00 |242903 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-002|Socotra B\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 30 0.00 E53 49 60.00 |17105 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-003|Socotra a (marine area)\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 30 0.00 E53 49 60.00 |2739 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-004|Socotra b (marine area)\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 30 0.00 E53 49 60.00 |7157 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-005|Socotra c (marine area)\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 30 0.00 E53 49 60.00 |578 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-006|Socotra d (marine area)\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 30 0.00 E53 49 60.00 |1106 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-007|Socotra e (marine area)\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 30 0.00 E53 49 60.00 |30412 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-008|Socotra f (marine area)\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 30 0.00 E53 49 60.00 |764 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-009|Socotra g (marine area)\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 30 0.00 E53 49 60.00 |3098 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-010|Socotra h (marine area)\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 30 0.00 E53 49 60.00 |14187 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-011|Abd Alkuri\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 11 22.00 E52 14 21.00 |Property: 11858 Ha\\ Buffer zone: 456179 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-012|Abd Alkuri a (marine area)\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 11 22.00 E52 14 21.00 |1885 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-013|Abd Alkuri b (marine area)\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 11 22.00 E52 14 21.00 |2351 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-014|Abd Alkuri c (marine area)\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 11 22 E52 14 21  |638 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-015|Samha\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 9 33.00 E53 2 32.00 |Property: 31980 Ha\\ Buffer zone: 243083 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-016|Darsa\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 7 25.00 E53 16 24.00 |Property: 18168 Ha\\ Buffer zone: 109374 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-017|Kalfarun\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 26 22.00 E52 8 8.00 |11103 Ha\\ |2008| |1263-018|Sabunya\\ Hadramawt,|Yemen|N12 38 13.00 E53 9 26.00 |12428 Ha\\ |2008| ===== 遗产地图 ===== {{:阿拉伯国家:也门:索科特拉群岛:20180613-002743.png}} ===== 遗产详细介绍 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== {{:阿拉伯国家:也门:索科特拉群岛:20180613-002747.png}} {{:阿拉伯国家:也门:索科特拉群岛:20180613-002752.png}} ===== 遗产邮票 ===== ==== 主要邮票 ==== ^发行国家/地区:也门民主共和国Democratic Republic of Yemen^^^ ^名称^时间^邮票^ |普票|1971~1977|[{{:阿拉伯国家:也门:索科特拉群岛:20180613-002821.png|索科特拉龙血树}}]| ^发行国家/地区:也门共和国Republic of Yemen^^^ ^名称^时间^邮票^ |花卉植物|1996|[{{:阿拉伯国家:也门:索科特拉群岛:20180613-002855.png|索科特拉岛沙漠玫瑰}}][{{:阿拉伯国家:也门:索科特拉群岛:20180613-002906.png|索科特拉龙血树}}]| |索科特拉岛的特有植物|2000|[{{:阿拉伯国家:也门:索科特拉群岛:20180613-002931.png|大戟属植物、索科特拉岛的黄瓜树、索科特拉仙人掌、龙血树}}][{{:阿拉伯国家:也门:索科特拉群岛:20180613-002948.png|藻百年草}}]|