




God Helios (Sun) driving his chariot
Goddess Iris
Daedalus and Icarus
Goddess Pallas Athena
The abduction of Ganimedes by Zeus (as an eagle)
Triptolemus on his dragons-driven chariot
Vellerefontis on his winged horse
Frixos and Helli on the golden fleece sheep
1935 希腊 希腊神话 (9全)
African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) with Anchor Rope
Cable layer 'Great Eastern', island and tanker (A floating C
Mechanical steam elephant, tank (The Steamhouse)
Michael Strogoff (The Courier of the Czar)
Big gun (The 500 million of Begum)
Indigenous boats on tropical River (The proud Orinoco)
Raft rider, monsters (Travel in the interior of the Earth)
英国 伦敦 伦敦塔桥 环游地球80天
Captain Nemo, submarine (20,000 miles under the sea)
Nautilus (first atomic submarine)
Start to the moon, rocket 'Nike' (From the Earth to the Moon
1955 摩纳哥 作家儒勒·凡尔纳逝世50周年 (11全)
“The Roman Lady of the Titelberg”
“Schäppchen, the Huntsman” (from Remich)
“The Witch of Koerich” (from Capellen)
“The Goblins of Schoendels” (from Mersch)
“Tollchen, Watchman of Hesperange”
“The Old Spinster of Heispelt”
1965 卢森堡 童话 (6全)
“The Veiled Matron of Wormeldange” (Grevenmacher)
“Jekel Warden of the Wark” (from Diekirch)
“The Black Gentleman of Vianden” (from Vianden)
“The Gracious Fairy of Rosport” (from Echternach)
“The Friendly Shepherd of Donkolz” (from Wiltz)
“The Little Sisters of Trois-Vièrges” (Troisvièrg
1966 卢森堡 童话 (6全)
The Grey from Malanser
The refuge on Gutenberg
The giant of Guflina
1967 列支敦士登 童话 (3全)
1968 列支敦士登 童话 (3全)
The bounced devil
The blazing red goat
The treasure to Grafenberg
1969 列支敦士登 童话 (3全)
Herakles overcomes the Nemean Lion
Heracles kills the Lernaean snake (Hydra)
1981 摩纳哥 Labours of Hercules (2全)
Hercules catches the Erymanthian boar
Heracles scared away and kills the Stymphalian birds
1982 摩纳哥 Labours of Hercules (2全)
Heracles captures the Ceryneian Hind
Heracles cleans the Augean stables
1983 摩纳哥 Labours of Hercules (2全)
Heracles captures the Cretan Bull
Heracles brings the man-eating horses of Diomedes to Eurysth
1984 摩纳哥 Labours of Hercules (2全)
The sheeps of Panurge
François Rabelais (1494-1553), humanist, doctor and writer
1984 摩纳哥 巨人传 (3全)
Heracles managed the cattles of Geryon
Heracles brings the belt of Hippolyte
1985 摩纳哥 Labours of Hercules (2全)
Hercules acquires the golden apples of the Hesperides
Hercules leads the hellhound Cerberus up from the Underworld
1986 摩纳哥 Labours of Hercules (2全)
The Fox and the Grapes
The North Wind and the Sun
The Stag and the Lion
Zeus and the Snake
The Fox and the Crow
The Woodcutter and Hermes
The Ass in a lion's skin and the Fox
The Tortoise and the Hare
1987 希腊 伊索寓言 (8全)
Goddess Athena with Argonauts
Pursuing Harpies
Jason and Medea
Argonauts' Expedition
Presenting the Golden Fleece to Pelias
1995 希腊 阿耳戈英雄 (5全)
2005 波兰 安徒生诞生200周年 (2全)
Tale about Priest and his Worker Balda
Tale about Tsar Saltan
Tale about Fisherman and Golden Fish
Tale about Dead Princess and Seven Knights
Tale about Golden Cockerel
1997 俄罗斯 普希金诞生200周年 (5全)
Bylina “Volga”
1997 俄罗斯 欧罗巴邮票:神话和传说 (1全)
Promitheus the fire-bearer
Digenis Akritas
1997 希腊 欧罗巴邮票:神话和传说 (2全)
2005 新加坡 安徒生诞生200周年 (4全)
The Mermaid and Alexander the Great
Little Red Riding Hood
The Fairies
The Girl With Matches
The Girl With Matches
2008 希腊 童话 (5全)
Theseus against the Minotaur
Heracles and Triton
Odysseus and The Sirens
Talos and the Dioskuroi
Vellerofont Riding Pegasus
2009 希腊 神话 (5全)
Hang Tuah
Tun Teja
Merong Maha Wangsa
Tun Kudu
Tun Fatimah
2014 马来西亚 马来西亚民间故事 (6全)
2014 新加坡 新加坡传说 (8全)
The Fox in the Vineyard
The Lion and the Heron
The Reed and the Cedar
2016 以色列 Parables of the Sages (3全)
2016 以色列 Parables of the Sages (3全)
2016 新加坡 新加坡传说 (8全)
2022 希腊 欧罗巴邮票:神话和传说 (1全)
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