
长基罗天文古建群史前遗址(公元前250-200年)位于秘鲁中北部海岸的卡斯马山谷,由沙漠中的一系列建筑组成。这些建筑与自然环境相结合,共同组成一套历法仪器,利用太阳来界定全年的日期。它包括一座有3层围墙的“设防神庙”山顶建筑群,2座被称为天文台和管理中心的建筑群,13座沿山脊排列的立方体塔状建筑,以及与13座塔互为补充、用作自然标记的穆乔马洛山(Cerro Mucho Malo)。仪式中心很可能专用于太阳崇拜,在13座塔南北线两侧各有一处观察点,全年都可以观测日出和日落点。该遗产地展现了一项伟大的创新,即利用太阳周期和人造水平仪来标记至点、二分点和一年中的其他日期,精确度为1-2天。因此,它代表着卡斯马山谷(Casma Valley)天文学实践的长期历史演变的顶点。

The Chankillo Solar Observatory and ceremonial center is a prehistoric site (250-200 BC), located on the north-central coast of Peru, in the Casma Valley, comprising a set of constructions in a desert landscape that, together with natural features, functioned as a calendrical instrument, using the sun to define dates throughout the year. The site includes a triple-walled hilltop complex, known as the Fortified Temple, two building complexes called Observatory and Administrative Centre, a line of 13 cuboidal towers stretching along the ridge of a hill, and the Cerro Mucho Malo that complements the Thirteen Towers as a natural marker. The ceremonial centre was probably dedicated to a solar cult, and the presence of an observation point on either side of the north-south line of the Thirteen Towers allows the observation both of the solar rising and setting points throughout the whole year. The site shows great innovation by using the solar cycle and an artificial horizon to mark the solstices, the equinoxes, and every other date within the year with a precision of 1-2 days. It is thus a testimony of the culmination of a long historical evolution of astronomical practices in the Casma Valley.

国别秘鲁 Peru
英文名称Chankillo Archaeoastronomical Complex


1624-001 Chankillo

1624-002 Cerro Mucho Malo

发行国家/地区:秘鲁 Peru

  • 拉丁美洲和加勒比地区/秘鲁/长基罗考古天文建筑群.txt
  • 最后更改: 3年前
  • 青团00